Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Run Down.

I'm sitting in this car, wasting time before class. Music is on - the fuck am I listening to? Okay, station changed, much better.
Ever feel like you are stuck in the same place? No matter how hard you try to move past the rut, you can't. It's like you are on a treadmill, and every time you pick up the pace, so does it, waring you out while getting you nowhere.That's where I am. I'm stuck in this place within myself and I'm sweating bullets. (Okay, too heavy? I agree.)

Background. I think you are going to need it if you ever expect to understand what/who I'm talking -hold on. Some idiot won't stop locking his car over and over again .. *beepbeepbeepbeep. beep... beepbeep* Damn it dude! It's fucking locked okay?! .. sorry as I was saying.- If you ever expect to understand what I'm talking about, I guess there are a few people I should introduce, and explain.

Andrew (a.k.a. - Douche) - Andrew is my ex. We dated for six months throughout the last few months of my senior year in high school as well as a few months into that following summer. I hate him. (okay OKAY I don't hate him, I just hate what he did to me, and if I ever see him again, I won't think twice about Sparta kicking him in the junk.) In a nutshell, this guy had me fooled. Insisted that his adoptive father was abusive, that his actually parents had offed themselves in front of him, that he was successful in his music career, that he was schizophrenic and saw his dead twin sister. - I could go on and on with the lies really, but you get the point. None of that was truthful. Now, you are probably thinking, wow Kat you're an idiot, that shit is way too out there to be believable, any person in their right mind would see red flags and question all of that. And you are right, it did seem far fetched to me, I did question things, but he was so deep into his lies, that he had all the right answers to back his shit up. On top of that, as messed up as everything was, it wasn't so out there for me. In fact, a lot of what he said hit home for me. I knew people who had been abused by seemingly harmless people. A grandparent that had commited sucided, and schizophrenic family members. So, I gave him the benefit of any doubts that I may have had. Regaurdless, the truth came out eventually (as it always does) and I broke up with him. Feel bad for him? Don't this delusional bastard decided to move to Washington two weeks later and marry, yes you read that correctly, MARRY some chick. I'm still not sure if it was an extreme case of rebound syndrome, or .. shit I don't know, anything else applicable. So there you have it, that is Douche.

Khilie (a.k.a - BFF) - Khilie is my best friend. I love her to death, she and I have been friends for years. Unfortunatly, she and I now have a strained relationship because she goes to LSU, which is quite far from UNO, where I go to school. Never the less, I love her. If ever I need anything, she is... was my go-to girl. My shoulder to cry on, my partner in crime. It's hard to find genuine friends, people that honestly want the best for you. I guess that's why even though she isn't here anymore, and we talk less than ever before, I will always refer to her as my best friend. You don't throw anyway something so cherisable.

Nathan (a.k.a. - Panda ) Nathan is a new friend, but oddly enough, we are relativly close! I met him through a friend I made at school. First time we hung out together, we got drunk, I took care of him while he threw up, as he drunkly told me his life story. Been friends ever since, wouldn't have it any other way. Seems like we help each other often. Weither it be me helping him deal with ex girlfriends, or him threatening me in order to stop me from regretably texting ex boyfriends when I'm lonley. OH, and he thinks it's funny to make me uncomfrotable. Now, you are probably wondering "what's with panda?" Nothing okay? Now build a bridge and get over it.

Mom/Dad (a.k.a Madre/Padre or PUs -Parental Units.) - Self explainatory. Honestly, I have a general relationship with them. My mom is more of the "parent" where my dad is more of a "reinforcer". I tend to fight with them more so lately than usual.

  MORE PEOPLE COMING SOON. <Work in Progress.>

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